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academy health generation com

  1. Trip of employees and students of the academy at the «Kupalye.»

    On July 9, 2022, the trade union committee of employees and teachers of the academy organized a trip to this festival with a visit to thematic venues and events, according to the holiday programme. Without breaking the tradition, the trade and exhibition programme began with the exhibition "Made in Belarus"...

  2. Our congratulations to the winners of an international competition

    In addition to diplomas, team leaders received certificates for invaluable contribution to the education of the younger generation, support for talented youth, productive work and active participation in the international competition "LetoStar in Georgia - 2022."

  3. World Health Organization informs

    World Health Organization informs. World Health Organization (WHO) recommends five major steps to protect public health and stop the spreading of coronavirus infection

  4. Is attacking your own province the same as support? Forum

    I have a man in burgundy and a man in Paris, facing a 2 German armies, in the Ruhr and in Munich. If i were to attack Munich with the Burgundy army, but they...

  5. Happy October Revolution Day

    Today, the Academy confidently occupies a leading position not only in the national, but in the world educational space as well.

  6. Teacher! Вefore your name...

    To academic staff of Belarusian State Agricultural Academy. Dear colleagues, On Sunday, October 2, our country will celebrate one of the brightest and most peaceful holidays - The Teacher's Day, which unites different generations of Belarusians into one highly educated family.

  7. Happy day of knowledge!

    Happy day of knowledge! Поздравление. To the team of the Belarusian State Agricultural Academy.

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    20236 cr 684a sweeny tx obituaries. Enchanted hills home health care rio rancho nm hotels. Losartan potassium 100mg tablets. Kathi pierogies.

  9. World Mental Health Day 2021 - Jacksonville News 24

    Jacksonville News is the leading source for business, sports, political, cryptocurrency, local, stock market, and press release.

  10. TheTen.Co Archives - Cannabis For Health

    Skip to content. Cannabis For Health. Cannabis For Health. Home. Store.

  11. Is attacking your own province the same as support? Forum

    I have a man in burgundy and a man in Paris, facing a 2 German armies, in the Ruhr and in Munich. If i were to attack Munich with the Burgundy army, but they...

  12. World Mental Health Day 2021 - Jacksonville News 24

    Jacksonville News is the leading source for business, sports, political, cryptocurrency, local, stock market, and press release.

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